Branding & What Should Be Expected When Deciding to Engage a Professional
Something to Ponder on... And please do let me know what your thoughts are..
Shouldn't it be, that if a someone or an organization's wants to be famous in the community, the company they hire would somehow has at least some presence on the platform that they were hired to be help the individual or company for that purpose ?
Another thing to ponder on ..
Which would be the most ideal expectation for showing their experiences or their recognitions ?
- By the lists companies that currently are engaging their services? .. or
- By the reputations / recognitions that the company has which they're using it as their value in the industry for the clients to use one of the areas they will comparing with others in the market?
Personal experiences & recognitions would be the ideal things to look at when determining which company should be hired ?
If this is one of the criteria for determining which company to hire, what about companies that has nothing to show off about themselves with, but they have a long list of World recognizes companies that they're servicing for managing their online presence and brand recognition. Is that possible ?
If it is, does it means that there are companies in the market that are so humble to make sure that their reputations & online presence do not over-shadow those companies they're helping to build their brand and becomes globally recognized.